Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Chronicles of Captain Ahab and Captain Crunch: Day 1

Today's itinerary: Leave New York, through Pennsylvania, through Ohio, arrive Indiana.

I know that something that Kasey and I have in common are the hysterical reactions that we got from people when we told them that we are driving to California from New York! The sigh of relief that someone else was coming along was similar as well! After two years of building up to it, the time has come! I can't believe that I am going to drive across the country and I can't believe that James and I are finally going to be walking distance from each other! I think that Kasey and I have gotted a great deal closer in the two years that we have lived together and that is going to continue. Our next big adventure is this trip across the country to start the next chapters in each of our books! I am so glad that I have her by my side (well, in front of me, lol).

Sadly, my computer is giving me a hard time, so I don't have any pictures to share yet of the first leg of this journey. Kasey and I are soundly resting at a Sleep Inn in South Bend, Indiana. We got out of town with a lot of great omens including lots of love, a couple rainbows, and come driving courtesy from fellow travellers. We saw some wildlife and a 100 foot Indian who looked to be "Hailing Hitler"... flat hand, straight out in front! Weird! Driving along, via our radio signal, we had a little chat with some travelling bass fishermen and heard about a campsite that we could stay at if the people that were supposed to stay there didn't hurry up! All in all, it has been smooth sailing! The Durango is taking gas like I eat Chester's Puffcorn! No one mention to James the amount of money that has gone into his tank! Lol. I think that I have done pretty well with the trailer. I am a whole new driver! I can do anything! For now, I think that I am going to get some sleep before Wanita (the GPS) has to try to negotiate the round-abouts again tomorrow morning. I miss Syracuse already. We had such a great time there. I can't believe that two years is over already!

As for the Sailor, it is all for you, Sweet Man! I miss you tremendously and I can't wait to have you home! I love you, Sweet Pea!


Here are some great shots from the Day 1:

We hate goodbyes!

But we do Love Kris!

We are ready to hit the road...

Don't mess with me! I've got my mace!

My very nice parking job.

As per Aunt Christa's request Kasey is following her star!

Cool looking.

Thank goodness for a place to sleep! Nine hours of driving today.

I look super pooped! I was!


1 comment:

  1. follow her star , excellent !! you guys are funny ...........
