
James and I decided that we were going to find some place to walk around today outside and explore. We headed near the Gaslamp area and came across a really great little farmer's market and bought some delicious strawberries and ate them right up. James also bought me this beautiful bouquet of flowers!! Six dollars!! Woah! My mom said that she had to show her boss the picture (she's a florist) because she couldn't believe that they were only six dollars and so gorgeous!

I adore him!
After walking through the farmer's market, we headed across the street because we saw a Macy's that seemed a little out of place. As we walked up the stairs beside the Macy's, we found the coolest thing!! The Macy's was actually a part of the mall. This was no ordinary mall, though. It was almost like a regular mall, same kinds of stores, four or flive floors, escalators, elevators, food court, so on and so on. The difference was that this mall had NO ROOF! It was the coolest. The weather is perfect, so a mall with no top belongs in San Diego. I was totally in awe the entire time we walked around. Even James enjoyed shopping!

Top floor.

Food court.
After the ourdoor mall, we headed to grab a few last things from Target. We got home to prepare for some pre-season football. Tonight, I wanted to have our first home-cooked dinner in our first home together! I made a jambalaya that turned out delicious!
Here are some of the final pictures of the apartment and dinner. It is really coming together!!

Our very full bookshelf.

Our bedroom with a real bed to sleep in! It looks like Jamie and James are already in there!

The dresser that James put together from Ikea. Very nice!

New red pilliows plus I hung up the artwork.

I love those pillows! This apartment is looking perfect!

James has officially discovered that his computer can hook up to the awesome TV... the rest is history...

We enjoyed watching I'm On A Boat. It was meant to be on a large TV in HD!!

Getting ready to cook. The is how the butter came! It is the cutest little squished looking thing!


It looks like Happy cornbread (with a touch of honey, mmmmm).

Our first big dinner as roomies!

We still need a table.

The chef... We are lovin' the apron :-)
Life is good in San Diego! We need updates from our friends and family, too, so please write or stay in touch however you like to! We love you all!!
Jamie, I don't think I've ever seen a person as happy as you look. (I hope it's not just cuz you get to eat chocolate again) I'm so happy for you. Love you lots, Aunt Therese