Monday, June 1, 2009

No Pictures?

This week wasn't eventful, and is certainly wasn't picture-ful. It was pretty typical. I have been packing as much as I can and trying to get some stuff together for the big move. Kasey and I are going to be moving out of the apartment at the end of June. I will be moving before I head home to do two weeks of wedding stuff (I have booked my first two appointments!! Hooray!!) and Kasey will be pretty much right behind me. On Tuesday, I went over to my little man Max's house. It turns out that the family is moving to Maryland. And, get this, Max's Dad is going to be doing research and development for the Navy! What are the chances?!? Isn't that hysterical :-) Anyway, the rest of the week was pretty much business as usual! I have heard from James all week, which is wonderful. He got a promotion! I am so excited and proud of him! I can't wait to squeeze him! Kasey went out of town for a conference on Thursday and I spent the first part of the weekend alone working on paperwork and stuff. I accomplished quite a bit, actually. I have a lot of my packing done and I found a lot of stuff to give away, too. I also started working on finding an apartment for James and I to live in out in California. It is so much fun making plans! I can't wait to live with that sweet boy! I miss him so much! Well, this is completely less than interesting, but I wanted to make sure that you all know that I am thinking about you. Have a beautiful week!

James Robert, be safe and please hurry back! I love you!


1 comment:

  1. I had no clue you had a blog, until I saw Kasey's...Its a fabulous idea :) Makes it easier to keep in touch :) Cant wait to read more!!!
